Hello my pinky pals!

Today I am actually writing this blog post from my bed. I am laying here and I’m doing the voice to memo on my iPad so I hope this works. Some of you may know I’ve been dealing with some pretty intense back issues. I’ve been told that I may need surgery and it’s looking more and more like that is going to be the route. This past week has been really rough. And when I say rough, I mean really rough I had to take time off work in order to heal, and I’m still not healed. I’ve also been unable to sit up with any kind of comfort. I have been unable to draw, because it hurts just to lift my arms and just move them in that fashion unless I’m laying down and it’s hard to draw while lying down.

Needless to say my plans of getting everything done ahead of time before my vacation in October have really derailed. This will be the first month I think ever that I have never finished all of my goals maybe not ever but since I started really this whole journey. I didn’t create a mandala on Monday and I did not do a tutorial on Friday. I’m gonna try really hard to do one. I just don’t know that I’m going to be able to do it but I would love to be able to finish at least this month completely.

If I create the tutorial and the mandala, I will probably only show them on my Instagram for now, until I can put it on to my blog. With that being said, let’s go over the goals and what I was able to accomplish this month.

My September Goals

  • Create a tutorial for each Friday – I missed the last tutorial of the month 😔
  • Create a mandala for each Monday – I also missed the last mandala of the month 😔
  • Do 1 video on youtube per week – done
  • Do 1 SHORT for youtube per week – done I almost do 1 a day now.
  • Schedule ahead, again – not done well partially done but I won’t be able to complete it I don’t think
  • Newsletter – Done, I send out once a month on the 1st of the month for the last month’s round-up – unless something else comes up.
  • Do a monthly Instagram poll for a tutorial choice. – so this was done for September but I will probably not do it for October since I’m dealing with some health issues
  • Do a monthly Instagram persona giveaway – done
  • Monthly Doodle Prompt list -done some things I did create well in advance!
    • Complete the monthly doodle prompt list – I really want these to be all ducks! lol I sketched all but was unable to post them all to Instagram.
  • Do a monthly sticker sheet for Ko-Fi – I have this sketched and I’m hoping to finish.
  • Livestream twice a month – this month is the 9th and 23rd from 6:30 EST – I had to cancel the last one.


  • Discord – I want to keep working on this and getting it going. Part of that is by getting members so … If you want to join in I’d love to have you!
  • I’d like to get a bit more in the vault for future like extra videos, tutorials etc.
  • DRAW – anything that isn’t something that is NEEDED lol

My calendar for September is below. ^_^

Do you have any art goals for the month? Let me know in the comments section below, we can be each other’s cheerleaders!

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If you would like to support me and my art you can do so with Ko-fi, it would be greatly appreciated!

Please note that any and all graphics on this site were created by me. Anything I offer for free is for personal use. Please do not claim the artwork as your own. If you share your finished work please link back to my site. Do not upload my work anywhere. Please have fun, and share what you have created with me, I’d love to see it!

Follow Me!

Please note that all graphics on this site were created by me. Anything I offer for free is for personal use. Please do not claim the artwork as your own. If you share your finished work please link back to my site. Do not upload my work anywhere. Please have fun, and share what you have created with me, I’d love to see it!

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