Hi all,

June has come and is now gone(mostly). I had a lot of struggles this month I can’t lie! I have been deep diving now into youtube videos on how to improve my youtube of course lol I have purchased some new equipment and I have been trying some different things to see what works and what doesn’t. A HUGE thing did happen with youtube they lowered the requirements to get monetized. I don’t quite know how I feel about it lol I kind of think that 1000 is a really cool milestone but I am closer to 500 so that may be more reachable for me and others.

I also did a commission for a book this month. I was contacted a few months ago someone thought my tutorials were cute and asked that I create the graphics for their how to draw kawaii kit. So, I did! It was a HUGE deal for me! I couldn’t believe someone reached out to me and honestly I thought it was fake! lol Then they contacted me again we did a video call and I agreed to do the artwork. I asked Tatyana of The Kawaii Drawing Club if she would look over the contract for me, she agreed and gave me some tips, and suggestions for me. Once I ironed out the contract details I started to draw.

I created 45 tutorials in the month of June. I was given five categories: Magical Creatures, People, Animals, Food and Plants and I was given free reign to create anything I wanted in those categories. Which was nice but also terrifying lol I was also able to do all of my usual stuff including my weekly mandalas, tutorials and videos. It was a lot of work but I am so proud of myself for finishing it. The only issue I have now is … I have no excuse I know I can do anything so now I have to make that happen for myself!

SO, this month you will find a new category, Income. I know some find this to be taboo but I think it’s important for me to share because I want people to realize that even if they are not the “best artist” and they don’t have the biggest following they can still earn from their income – and it may take time! Remember this is not my first action place results! lol

My June Goals


  • Discord – I want to keep working on this and getting it going. Part of that is by getting members so … If you want to join in I’d love to have you!
  • I’d like to get a bit more in the vault for future like extra movies, tutorials etc. – Didn’t get this one done 🙁 
  • I’m looking into redbubble alternatives I bought my own stickers and was not a fan of the quality so I’d like to find something else!
  • Draw every day – Done
    • I didn’t share everything I drew but I did get some drawing in every day! I created a prompt list so I had something at the tips of my fingers and could just draw. Although I was shown up by franciscadelgadomatesanz who did a beautiful job of I think ALL the prompts … now I’m thinking I should do another list of prompts just to see what she will come up with next! lol Check out her instagram her drawings are adorable and have such sweet characters in them.


I did have some big wins this month as well as some smaller ones ^-^

  • I finished a BOOK commission!
  • I hit 600 followers on instagram – at least till I lose some again lol
  • I did a BUNCH of collabs with people this month, 3 have been posted on my instagram and I have 2 more in the works and they have been SO much fun!


I haven’t had to really talk about these at all since I started doing these round ups. I haven’t had any! It was all lemon drops and rainbows up until now. Unfortunately, I am struggling. My youtube views and subscribers of which I am focusing on have plummeted. I went from gaining 10-14 subscribers a day to nothing, 1, 2 or losing subscribers. It’s really upsetting considering the amount of time I have already invested in this adventure.

Trust me, I’m not giving up! BUT I think it’s important to share these things so others in my situation know they are not alone. You are not going to do great every day, week, month or heck in my case year! lol Sometimes things will just not go as planned. Now I know we are in the peak summer season in the Northern Hemisphere, so I think this dip is something to be expected so I’m trying to stay positive. I also try to remember that I grew really fast in the beginning so I have done well and I now is the test right. I need to keep going even through the rough times!

I guess we will see how it goes next month!


So, I wanted to go over my income because I like full transparency when other small artists do it! I like know what to really expect. I have earned very little all year:

  • February 2023
    • Commissions – Fiverr – $15.00 – I have since stopped doing Fiverr
  • April 2023
    • Donations from Ko-Fi – $0.66
  • May 2023
    • Donations from Ko-Fi – $0.61
  • June 2023
    • Donations from Ko-Fi – $2,43
    • Commission – Book – $2000.00

Now I don’t really have any expenses for my art, I do commissions and then my Ko-Fi shop which is digital. I would love to move into physical products but I just don’t have the ability to do so right now. Still, year to date I have earned a total of $2018.70 from my art. That’s more than last year and can only get better!

Do you have any art goals for the month? Let me know in the comments section below, we can be each other’s cheerleaders!

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If you would like to support me and my art you can do so with Ko-fi, it would be greatly appreciated!

Please note that any and all graphics on this site were created by me. Anything I offer for free is for personal use. Please do not claim the artwork as your own. If you share your finished work please link back to my site. Do not upload my work anywhere. Please have fun, and share what you have created with me, I’d love to see it!

Follow Me!

Please note that all graphics on this site were created by me. Anything I offer for free is for personal use. Please do not claim the artwork as your own. If you share your finished work please link back to my site. Do not upload my work anywhere. Please have fun, and share what you have created with me, I’d love to see it!

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