Ok so, going forward I think I have a pretty good idea about what I know I can do, what I want to do and what I will never be able to do lol … at least not without help in the future! As always my goals will not focus around how many subscribers or what have you on any given social media etc. I don’t have control over whether someone wants to follow or not. I can only control my own actions! So, that being said my goals are mostly the same as every other month lol HOWEVER, I have also broke down some of my earnings cause I actually earned something in May. Don’t get too excited about that lol

My June Goals

  • Create a tutorial for each Friday
  • Create a mandala for each Monday
  • Do 1 video on youtube per week
  • Do 1 SHORT for youtube per week
  • Schedule, schedule, schedule – I have the tools in place just need to implement – it is a bit of work up front but so much better if I can get things scheduled ahead of time. Like an idiot I wasted all my time last month that I saved by having all my shorts and tutorials done by doing fun things like spending time with my family and friends lol! I will probably still do that but will try to fit in a couple extra things here and there.
  • Newsletter – I have a template, and I have a way to automate most of it so no excuse now it’s time to get it going. The monthly newsletter is done however I need to and want to set up an incentive to join!
  • Finish my commission – I was commissioned to draw for a book so that is TOP priority for me this month! Can’t wait to finish this and see my work in a book – kind of crazy!


  • Discord – I want to keep working on this and getting it going. Part of that is by getting members so … If you want to join in I’d love to have you!
  • I’d like to get a bit more in the vault for future like extra movies, tutorials etc.
  • I’m looking into redbubble alternatives I bought my own stickers and was not a fan of the quality so I’d like to find something else!

My calendar for June is below, unlike May I didn’t put the titles of things here. I want to have some lee-way and not be stuck on this is what you’re creating for this day. I don’t think that is fun for me so this way I know it’s a tutorial and they are all done actually but I got to choose what it was in the moment – kind of I still plan it out on my own lol

june art action plan calendar

Oh something I forgot up there! I want to have an excuse to draw more. I was looking at my insta and it’s like all these things I have to draw on there. I need to put up the tutorials and the mandalas etc but that was kind of it and it was boring lol so I thought it would be nice to do something for myself. SO I created a doodle prompt list for the month so I can have a reason to draw something every day 🙂 Yanno, cause why not add more to my plate? lol

Do you have any art goals for the month? Let me know in the comments section below, we can be each other’s cheerleaders!

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If you would like to support me and my art you can do so with Ko-fi, it would be greatly appreciated!

Please note that any and all graphics on this site were created by me. Anything I offer for free is for personal use. Please do not claim the artwork as your own. If you share your finished work please link back to my site. Do not upload my work anywhere. Please have fun, and share what you have created with me, I’d love to see it!

Follow Me!

Please note that all graphics on this site were created by me. Anything I offer for free is for personal use. Please do not claim the artwork as your own. If you share your finished work please link back to my site. Do not upload my work anywhere. Please have fun, and share what you have created with me, I’d love to see it!

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